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APEXI is recruiting in Auch

APEXI is recruiting in Auch

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews
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The company APEXI in Auch is recruiting

In this article, we will introduce you to this company specialising in IT. Then, all you have to do is prepare your CV and cover letter and submit them to our Flexim Interim agency.

APEXI, its history

Founded in 2006 by Stéphane BARRET, APEXI is now a flourishing company. Based in Auch, APEXI Informatique et Télécom is a company specialising in computer maintenance. Its employees work on existing networks or those being created by companies and local authorities. 

Aujourd’hui, APEXI à Auch propose des services adaptés aux besoins des particuliers, entreprises et collectivités. Ses domaines de prédilection sont l’étude, la réalisation et la maintenance de réseaux informatiques, mais aussi la mise en place, la vente et la réparation de matériels informatiques.

APEXI, an IT and telecom company 100 % Auscitaine 

APEXI's services are not limited to IT and maintenance. The Auscite-based company also offers companies to manage their telephone service. Programming access rights for each telephone, deploying services, managing opening hours, linking the telephone system with the outside world, APEXI takes care of all types of telephony projects from A to Z. 

By partnering with SFR, APEXI Télécom is able to offer professionals and companies offers and services adapted to their needs.

The objectives of APEXI

Le département du Gers est l’un des territoires les plus enclavés en ce qui concerne l’accès à l’internet très haut débit fibre. Devant ce constat, APEXI s’est associé à un hébergeur et opérateur télécom toulousain, FullSave, pour l’implantation d’un data center destiné aux entreprises et collectivités gersoises. Ils auront ainsi à leur disposition plusieurs services dont serveur d’application, base de données, sauvegarde, téléphonie, messagerie et cloud.

The aim of this project is to cover 100% of the department by 2025 to enable the region to develop economically. 

The values and philosophy of APEXI

  • A forward-looking company.
  • Services adapted to professionals, individuals and communities.
  • A long-term vision.
  • A company with a strong local presence.

Open positions at APEXI

If you are interested in applying for a job at APEXI, here are the temporary positions available:

  • Network and system administrator
  • Network and systems engineer

If you have the skills and qualifications for this position, please contact your Flexim Interim agency. Remember to attach your CV and covering letter.

Good reasons to work at APEXI

  • Work in a dynamic and modern environment.
  • To evolve in a promising sector.
  • Participate in local digital development. 

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6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews