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Become a line operator at PROLAINAT, paid CQP training

Become a line operator at PROLAINAT, paid CQP training

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews


The history of Prolainat

C’est à Begon De Scoraille, producteur laitier dans le Gers, que l’on doit la création de l’entreprise Prolainat en 1973. Dans le but de diversifier son activité, il décide d’utiliser son surplus de lait provenant de ses vaches pour élaborer des glaces.

Since then, this family business from the Gers has continued to develop while maintaining its values: good living and respect for local gastronomy. Its production site is still located in Blanquefort, just a few steps from the farm where Prolainat was born.

In 2006, the De Scoraille family decided to continue the Prolainat adventure by joining Andros, a family group from the neighbouring Lot.

Today, we are far from the small farm run by Begon De Scoraille, because Prolainat now employs no less than 300 people, a hundred of whom have remained loyal to the company.

A company specialising in the production of top-of-the-range frozen pastries

What best characterises Prolainat can be summed up in three words: Creativity, Passion, Exigence. Indeed, the entire team makes it a point of honour to produce top-of-the-range frozen pastries and individual specialities. The pleasure and satisfaction of the consumer are their priorities.

Prolainat's values and philosophy

  • A company that wants to preserve its human dimension

  • A working environment conducive to professional development

  • Respect for ethical and environmental values

  • Long-term development objectives

Good reasons to work at Prolainat

  • A company that cares about the professional development of its employees

  • Work in a safe and motivating environment

  • Working in a company that puts people at the heart of its concerns

The objectives of the Prolainat company

Today, Prolainat wants to develop new products and more ethical recipes to meet consumer demands.

En proposant cette formation qualifiante et professionnalisante de conducteurs de ligne de fabrication, Prolainat désire donc étoffer ses équipes. Les volontaires ayant suivi la formation CQF seront formés directement sur le poste et sur l’ensemble de ses process et pourront ainsi intégrer les équipes immédiatement après la certification.

Cette certification est reconnue par la branche agro-alimentaire et par l’ensemble des usines agro-alimentaires.

Details of the CQP Manufacturing and Packaging Line Operator course

Flexim Intérim is currently looking for 10 volunteers to participate in a training course leading to a qualification as a manufacturing and packaging line operator in partnership with the company Prolainat.

La formation débute par une période en intérim d’au moins 1 mois qui débouche ensuite sur un contrat de professionnalisation de 12 mois. Cela permettra aux participants de préparer la Certification de Qualification Professionnelle Conducteur de Lignes au sein de l’entreprise Prolainat en production et en conditionnement.

External training is provided by the CTCPA. Internal training is carried out in the Prolainat company on the job.

The profile sought is : 

  • Personne ayant entre 6 et 12 mois d’expérience en tant qu’opérateur agroalimentaire et/ou étant diplômé dans ce domaine.

La formation démarre au mois d’avril. 

The hourly rate is the SMIC (i.e. 8.37€ net) plus the 13ᵉ month.  

At the end of the course, participants will be eligible for a permanent contract with Prolainat.

The course of the training course for qualified line drivers in partnership with the company Prolainat

The CQP, or certificat de qualification professionnelle, is an attestation issued by professional branches to certify a qualification. Generally set up in response to a shortage of skilled labour in a sector, it remains little known to the working population.

This certification consists of external training by the CTCPA and internal training at Prolainat. During the certification, the candidate will also have to prepare and present a report.

During the training, the volunteers selected by Flexim Interim will be trained in the various tasks of the Line Driver, which are

  • regulate the line,

  • carry out production or packaging activities,

  • relaying information,

  • animate,

  • coordinate,

  • passing on know-how to line operators,

  • carry out 1ᵉʳ level maintenance.

These tasks vary according to the position. For a line operator in deconditioning, the employee will be responsible for :

  • provide the production workshops with the raw materials and packaging required for production (removal of pallet film, placing in grids, placing on pallet slips, etc.);

  • declare on Renaissance the consumption of all the items consumed;

  • Ensure the quality control (product/packaging/traceability) and quality control of items transferred from and back to the warehouse.

The production line operator is responsible for :

  • to prepare for manufacturing ;

  • operate production machinery. This includes setting up the machines, organising the work, rotating the shifts and supplying the machines;

  • to monitor production and carry out checks;

  • tidy up and clean the production line.

Throughout the training, support will be provided by a FLEXIM Interim tutor and a member of the CTCPA to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

Pour postuler dès maintenant, indiquez “formation CQP Prolainat”.

6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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Arobase Flexim Intérim
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