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Castel et Fromaget recruits motivated temporary workers

Castel et Fromaget recruits motivated temporary workers

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews


The history of Castel et Fromaget

C’est en 1927 que l’entreprise Castel & Fromaget est créée. Spécialisée dans la construction métallique, elle intègre le Groupe Fayat en 1977, ce qui fera de cette entreprise le leader français de la construction de bâtiments métalliques. 


Each year, Castel and Fromaget shape and use no less than 110,000 tonnes of steel. The FAYAT METAL division is the leading national manufacturer of metal frameworks.


In 2015, new services are offered:


  • Renovation and refurbishment of facades with cladding and facings,
  • Asbestos removal,
  • Studies and reinforcement of structures,
  • Studies and upgrading of buildings to ERP and labour code standards
  • Replacement of covers,
  • Repair of gutters and all work on existing buildings.


Castel et Fromaget, the leading builder of metal buildings in France

Castel et Fromaget c’est aujourd’hui : 

- 264 employees

- 8 agencies in France and overseas

- 2 industrial sites

- 76 technicians

- 23 engineers

- 120,000 tonnes of production per year


De grands projets ont participé au fait que Castel & Fromaget devienne le premier constructeur de bâtiments métalliques de France. On peut notamment citer la construction métallique du hall d’assemblage de l’A380 à Toulouse-Blagnac,

La construction métallique acier de la jetée du terminal 2E de l’aéroport de Paris – Charles de Gaulle,

The steel structure of the Matmut Atlantique stadium in Bordeaux,

The metal framework of the Canopée des Halles in Paris,

Steel construction of the Eurocopter building in Marignane

La construction métallique pour l’Hôtel de Ville de Montpellier.

The objectives of Castel and Fromaget

Thanks to its locations in overseas France, the Philippines and France, the Castel et Fromaget group alone comprises 200 companies. It also has 196 independent subsidiaries in 170 countries. The objectives of this international company are clear: to maintain its status as the leading constructor of metal frames and buildings.

Castel and Fromaget, values and philosophy

  • Modernity in manufacturing processes

  • A company that cares about the environment

Temporary vacancies at Castel and Fromaget

Now that you know more about this Gers-based company, it's time to see what temporary positions are available:

  • operators

  • ironworkers


If you have the skills and experience to fill one of these positions, prepare your CV and upload it to the FLEXIM Interim website in a few seconds.

Good reasons to apply for a job at Castel et Fromaget

  • Working for a company with internationally recognised know-how

  • Working in a modern working environment

  • Joining a dynamic team

  • Discover a rewarding industry



6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews