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Les Bâtisseurs d'Arcamont is recruiting on a temporary basis

Les Bâtisseurs d’Arcamont recrutent en intérim

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews


L’histoire de l’entreprise Les Bâtisseurs d’Arcamont

Cédric Vercoutter worked for more than 15 years as a specialist in the restoration of historical monuments. In 2007, he decided to embark on a new adventure. He recruited 4 journeymen (masons, stonemasons and carpenters) to create his own company for the renovation of old buildings.

Les Bâtisseurs d'Arcamont was created with the main mission of reviving the heritage of individuals, professionals and communities.  

Les Bâtisseurs d’Arcamont, les spécialistes de la rénovation de bâtiments anciens

Today, Les Bâtisseurs d'Arcamont has 14 teams working on the structural work of sites throughout the Gers department. Supervised by a works manager and their design office, Les Bâtisseurs d'Arcamont are also able to organise building sites for all trades. They are therefore the sole point of contact for their clients to manage their entire project. 

The know-how and the quality of the work of the companions has enabled them to obtain Qualibat certifications (RGE Pro label for energy performance, 2183 Restoration of cut stone and masonry of the ancient heritage, 2311 Traditional carpentry, 3111 Canal tiles).

Les Bâtisseurs d’Arcamont à Roquelaure, les objectifs 

The constant development of the Gers company Les Bâtisseurs d'Arcamont has enabled the hiring of new journeymen to reach a workforce of 35 qualified workers. But to meet the growing demand for restoration work of all kinds, this company must regularly hire new workers. 

Les valeurs et la philosophie de l’entreprise Les Bâtisseurs d’Arcamont

  • Professionalism
  • Attention to detail
  • Respect for the environment
  • Valuation of the work of craftsmen

Les postes à pourvoir en intérim chez Les Bâtisseurs d’Arcamont

Les Bâtisseurs d'Arcamont have entrusted us with the task of finding motivated temporary workers to join this company on a fixed-term contract. Here are the positions currently available on a temporary basis:

  • Masons
  • Carpenters/roofers
  • Façadiers
  • Tiler

So, if you would like to apply for this position, all you have to do is submit your CV to our Flexim Interim agency. We will evaluate your application together to see if your profile corresponds to what this company in Roquelaure is looking for.

Les bonnes raisons de déposer votre candidature pour un poste chez Les bâtisseurs d’Arcamont

  • Joining a family-oriented company
  • Participate in the preservation of the Gers heritage 
  • Working in a multi-faceted job
  • Working with qualified journeymen
  • Expand your knowledge of renovation

Site Les Bâtisseurs d’Arrcamont

6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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Arobase Flexim Intérim
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Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews