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Employment: Horus, the packaging company, is recruiting on a temporary basis

Emploi : Horus, l’entreprise de conditionnement recrute en intérim

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews


Table of contents

The history of the Gers-based company Horus Groupe

The Horus Groupe company was created in 1995 in L'Isle Jourdain, just a few kilometres from Toulouse. It is headed by Nathalie Crouzatier who supervises 20 permanent employees, 2 production managers, 1 quality manager, 2 drivers and 15 packaging employees. The L'Isle Jourdain site covers 1800 m2: 1200 m2 are dedicated to the workshop and 600 m2 are allocated to storage. 

Depuis plus de 25 ans, l’équipe a su acquérir un véritable savoir-faire dans le domaine du conditionnement à façon manuel. Ses qualités professionnelles, la convivialité de l’accueil et la rapidité d’exécution des commandes confèrent à Horus Groupe une renommée dans tout le Sud-Ouest et au-delà.

Horus Group, the specialists in contract packaging

Horus Groupe specialises in packaging and manual processing. The company's machinery consists of 5 film wrapping machines, a sleeving line, bagging machines, stretch wrappers, strapping machines and sealing machines.

To date, it has established itself as a reactive and quality service provider that meets the needs of professionals in various sectors of activity such as food, cosmetics, printing, cardboard and industry. From packing operations to the preparation of boxes, filming, bagging, sorting and labelling, Horus Groupe aims to be a true partner for SMEs and multinationals. 

What are the objectives for the Horus Group?

Ce qui fait la force de la société Horus Groupe, c’est sa capacité d’adaptation aux demandes et exigences de ses clients. La polyvalence de cette entreprise la rend ultra compétitive, car elle peut ainsi proposer des solutions personnalisées pour le conditionnement, la confection de kits ou la présentation de produits. Dans cette optique, l’entreprise souhaite élargir son effectif sur le site de L’Isle Jourdain pour répondre à la saisonnalité de certains de ses clients.

Horus Group, values and company philosophy

Horus Groupe remains a family company on a human scale. Availability, flexibility and reactivity are the words that best define this company. It is also a company that cares about the well-being of its employees and their quality of life at work.

Job vacancies at Horus Group for 2022

In its quest for customer satisfaction and in order to respond to their constant new needs, the Horus Group is looking to recruit : 

  • Production operators in an industrial environment

Are you trained in order preparation, teamwork and have good experience in an industrial environment? Apply now for these vacancies at Horus Group by sending us your CV and covering letter. 

Why apply to Horus Group?

  1. A highly motivated multi-skilled team
  2. Integrating a well-functioning organisation
  3. Working in a dynamic environment
  4. Develop with employees who are committed to their work
  5. Carry out a variety of tasks depending on the case
  6. Working day shifts

Temporary employment agency
Temporary employment agency
Temporary employment agency

6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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Arobase Flexim Intérim
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Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews