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Sport at work: 7 reasons to do it

Sport at work: 7 reasons to do it

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 522 reviews

Table of contents

Good for your physical health

It's impossible for you to miss this information: sport is good for your health! Yes, but on which pathologies precisely? We now know that sport has a positive impact on preventing the onset of many chronic and frequent diseases:
- Cardiovascular diseases (stroke, heart attack, etc.);
- certain cancers ;
- diabetes and high blood pressure;
- obesity or overweight.

Being active also improves the quality of sleep. Sleep is very important for general health!

Reduces the risk of stress and burn-out

Being physically healthy is important. As the World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined it, health is not just about being physically well! Health is a state of complete physical AND mental well-being.

So does sport also improve mental health? Well, yes! There is definitely evidence for this. People who do at least the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week have a lower risk of :
- to be anxious;
- to be overworked;
- to be depressed;
- to be stressed.

So yes, sport is good for your physical AND mental health! Jackpot!

Improves team cohesion

Perhaps you have already heard of sports team building? Perhaps you have even participated in these gatherings of a whole work team, who, by doing sports together, strengthen their bonds?

Doing sport at work can often mean doing sport WITH your colleagues. This often allows you to see them in a different light. This can create strong bonds, which can then lead to better cooperation.

Take advantage of the services offered by the company

More and more French companies are subscribing to "sport and health" offers in companies. Whether you are a temporary worker or an employee on a fixed-term or permanent contract, you can have access to the services, benefits and equipment provided by the company. Wouldn't it be a shame to miss out?

Here is an example of the activities you may find in the company that hires you on a temporary basis:
- Yoga and Pilate classes between noon and midday;
- free access to nearby gyms;
- the possibility to connect for free to an app offering online fitness or cross-fit classes;
- sports team building at the weekend or in the evening.

More time for your personal life

You are aware that sport is good for your health, and that doing more will do you good. Problem: there are only 24 hours in a day! Solution: do sport during working hours! This way, you increase your physical activity quota without affecting your free time. Isn't life great?

How to do it? Some tips:
- cycling or walking to work;
- suggest that your colleagues do sports together at lunchtime;
- take advantage of break times to get moving;
- convince the HR team to give employees time off work to do sport, highlighting the positive effects for the company (better image, easier recruitment, potential gain in employee satisfaction and productivity, etc.).

Greater job satisfaction

If you are free to devote some of your time to sport in your working hours, it is obvious that your satisfaction will increase. You will also be more likely to praise your company, which will make it more attractive. It's a win-win situation!

Give a good image of yourself

Which profile do you think an employer will prefer?
A) A flabby, unathletic, pale-skinned temp who spends his breaks playing games on his smartphone?
B) That of a radiant, very dynamic temp who cycles to work and does cross-fit at lunchtime?

Certainly, showing that you are sporty and dynamic will improve the image your superiors have of you.

Finally, if there was one thing to remember, it would be this: move, move! It doesn't matter if you move around at work or in your personal time. What matters is being active. Your physical and mental health will thank you!

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