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What is the salary for a temporary job in Auch?

What is the salary for a temporary job in Auch?

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 521 reviews
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What is the average salary for temporary workers in France?

Basic salary, gross and net hourly rate, additional elements, bonuses, end-of-assignment allowances or holiday pay... Which temporary worker has not given up after 2 seconds when trying to understand his payslip?

In the end, what counts is the salary you will have left at the end of the month, or at the end of the assignment for temporary assignments of less than a month. This is what we call the net salary.

To find out the average salary in France, you need to look at the salaries of many temps over a year. Here are some figures for the year 2019, according to the sectors of activity. This is the hourly rate:
- electrician: 11.88 euros per hour;
- stock manager: 10.94 euros per hour;
- order picker: 10.37 euros per hour;
- 10.62 per hour.

As a minimum, you will earn in the interim in 2021 :
- 10.25 gross per hour;
- 1589.47 gross monthly
- 1 258.25 net per month.

In addition, there are bonuses or other company benefits that only your temporary employment agency can tell you about. And of course the precariousness allowance at the end of the contract, equivalent to 10 % of the gross salary you earned.

How are you paid as a temp?

It is the temporary employment agency that sends you your pay slip and makes the payment or cheque. You are never paid directly by the company where you work as a temp.

It is therefore primarily the temporary employment agency that you should contact to gain a better understanding of your salary and payslip.

Sometimes the temporary employment agency may make payments to you more frequently than monthly.

Why do people earn more in temporary employment?

By definition, temporary work is a 'precarious' contract. Hence the payment of precariousness allowances, and the net and gross salary is higher than those paid outside the temping period.

However, in a department like the Gers, there are always vacancies for temporary workers. You will therefore have 2 advantages in adopting temporary employment in Auch:
- You will receive the precariousness bonuses;
- You will have the opportunity to take on a series of temporary assignments throughout the year in and around Auch.

How can I find out what the average salary is for a temporary worker in Auch?

You can simply consult the job advertisements of temporary employment agencies in Auch. In general, the hourly rate or the gross or net monthly salary is displayed. You will then have a more precise idea of the salary for a temporary worker in Auch, in your sector of activity.

You can also ask your temporary employment agency in Auch if they have any statistics on the average salary of the positions they have filled in the past. If they do not have such statistics, they may be able to give you information on the salary you can expect to earn according to the position:
- current job offers ;
- your previous experience;
- of your qualifications;
- of the position you wish to occupy.

You can also tell your temp agency what minimum wage (hourly rate or monthly wage) you are prepared to accept. That way, you won't be disappointed! But be realistic: if your agency informs you that the salary you are asking for is really too low, trust these employment professionals and send back your criteria.

How are you paid as a temp in Auch?

Temporary employment agencies operating in France are subject to French legislation. All temporary employment agencies must comply with this legislation or face legal action.

In Auch, as in any other temping agency in France, the hourly rate and minimum monthly gross and net salary are respected. You will know before you start work how much you will be paid, when, and in what way. You can also indicate your preferences for payment.

Of course, many of the jobs offered through your temporary employment agency in Auch will pay more than the minimum wage. To find them, you can browse our frequently updated job offers or ask directly at the agency to select the best paid jobs for you.

6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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