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Your first temporary assignment in Auch

Your first temporary assignment in Auch

Arobase Flexim Intérim
Based on 521 reviews
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Why choose temporary employment in Auch?

Auch is the prefecture of the Gers. The city is therefore very well provided with administrative services and companies of all kinds. There is a permanent need for temporary workers. Starting your professional life in Auch is a good way to :
- discover the quality of life in Auch without making a long-term commitment;
- test a specific sector and type of job to see what we like;
- Start building a social and professional network in the Gers.

As Auch is the most important city in the department, you have a better chance of finding a job quickly once you arrive.

How can a temporary employment agency help you in Auch?

When you get a job through Pôle-emploi or through an online site, you have no special guidance in everything that is related to work. You sometimes have no interaction with a human recruiter. The company you join does not usually offer you any particular help with accommodation, transport or moving.

On the other hand, there are special arrangements for temporary workers to help them with these procedures. Companies employing temporary workers are obliged to pay contributions to an organisation, the FASTT: Fonds d'Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire. This organization can help you humanely, materially and financially to :
- Accommodation;
- facilitate transport to Auch;
- help you find a childcare solution;
- make it easier to obtain a loan from a bank;
- to take better care of yourself.

This can make it much easier for you to settle in the city! These are free services available to temporary workers. Your temporary employment agency in Auch can put you in touch with the right FASTT contacts.

How often do you need to fill temporary jobs in Auch ?

The Gers is particularly active economically in two sectors:
- agriculture, with the cultivation of wheat or maize, which are also used and transformed in local companies. 23 % of the 25,000 active establishments in the Gers come from the agricultural sector;
- trade, transport and miscellaneous services, particularly related to tourism. 48 % of companies belong to this sector of activity.

Here are some examples of positions often available on a temporary basis in Auch and the surrounding area: machine operator, forklift operator, electricianProduction worker, production operator, cook, etc.

Maximising your chances of getting a temporary contract

Here are some practical tips to help you find your first temp job quickly:
appointment in a temporary employment agency in Auch directly with a CV and cover letter;
- If you are struggling to know what to put in your CV and cover letter, ask someone you know for help;
- In any case, have at least one other person review your CV;
- Do not hesitate to communicate to the staff of the temporary employment agency any information that you consider important for your job search (preferred or prohibited sectors, hours of availability).

If you are apprehensive about taking on certain positions, offer to commit only to short missionsYou can try out the job for a few days or weeks. This will allow you to test without commitment and to really know if this type of position is suitable for you or not.

Help to facilitate your installation in Auch

Don't forget to ask your temporary employment agency to put you in touch with the FASTT if you meet the conditions for obtaining aid from the fund. You will then be able to benefit from even more extensive and personalised support for your installation in Auch, which could save you a lot of time.

Thinking about future interim assignments in Auch

Think of this first assignment as a very good start. Your CV will be more complete once you can add a first temporary assignment in Auch. It may reassure other local companies that you have already worked with a competitor or collaborator.

6 agences d'intérim dans le Gers

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Arobase Flexim Intérim
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